Oh to be sixteen again, of course we were young and angry at nothing. Probably angry that John Nolan left Taking Back Sunday or that Chris Carrabba turned Dashboard Confessional from a solo acoustic act into a band. It could have really been anything but dammit we wanted to get INKED.
Of course there were sincere reasons behind our tattoos and my storytelling is more for light hearted entertainment than anything...- In other words Plz don't h8 me JC.
SO afterschool I tell my dad I won't be home till later and luckily my mom was away on vacation with some friends.
COURSE WAS CLEAR. I used my savings from working at Chuck E Cheese to pay for it. I remember calling my sister and telling her I was getting one...she was in class when she received the message...she left class to call me to tell me that I better be kidding... in response I laughed and said "Ha, don't worry I'm not going to do it jk jk."

But I did and we did. And at the end of the day we could only be us... so now 5 years later look who fucking appears on my television screen, but AMY. On A & E's show called "Tattoo Highway" oh boy. From the few minutes I watched its basically about a tattoo shop on wheels that travels around the country to different clients. Oh that's cool.

Let's just say that I kept my tattoo by Amy hidden for 3 months until one day my shirt lifted up and my mom saw her worst nightmare...ink. Or as she likes to call it "graffiti." She went on a tirade to find the person who did this to me and seek revenge. Of course she failed and what happened, happened.
So thanks Amy nice to see that you've been crying on TV and that your lines still suck. Thanks for tattooing me and every other kid in the springfield area ages 15-17! I mean it's cool and all, but if anything it's mostly just funny.