Monday, February 4, 2008

So I was walking home today...

down school street- not my usual route home from school. I usually do everything I can to avoid Downtown Crossing. I saw a group of people stopped and staring up at a tree on the corner of School St. & Washington St. where Borders is located. Being the curious sleuth I am I joined them and pointed my eyes up at the tree as well.

This is what I saw: Photobucket


A Hawk. Nothing too wild, a little weird to see one in the middle of Downtown Crossing, but nothing new. Last year I saw one outside the State House hangin'. As I was about to continue walking it left the tree and dove into the bushes on the prowl for something. As this happened the mob of business people, police, and tourists lurked in I did too.


Someone called Animal Rescue for the poor little guy. Eventually it got over being paralyzed from the crowd's wrath and flew back up into the tree. The crowd dispersed and I continued my walk home.


HerMoves said...

Where is the halk in the first pic?

HerMoves said...

I can't believe I just spelled HAWK wrong in front of you of all not mock!