A success it was-for the most part that is. The box spring I bought last year refused to fit up our stairs- in fact it even fought back against the wall and made a lovely hole. We'll get that fixed. Currently I have a mattress on an unstable bed frame. Lots of boxes with my belongings, my dresser and this precious lamp I bought:

Currently I'm unemployed, but I'm trying to get that fixed. Summer activities are alive and happening. Tennis, running, cruising Newbury Street (that counts!), and being way too relaxed. Cliff jumping needs to happen very soon.
And now I must add that over the course of the past three hours my roommate Keara and I have moved her Full Size IKEA bed into my room, moved her boyfriends queen sized bed into her room and set them both up. One might think, "How hard could it be?" IKEA bed's are not so friendly once being disassembled and assembled on multiple moves- especially when you don't use your brain and try to assemble it upside down. We figured it out eventually. GREAT SUCCESS!
I was hoping that moving to this spot would bring me into a more social environment. This proved to be true when I set out on my journey to Shaws for food and a coinstar adventure. Moving makes you find lots of change, I made a makeshift piggy-bank out of two RX CD stack covers. So with a jingle in my step and a weight on my shoulder I strolled. And I walked about 3 sidewalk squares till I sighted Charles Henry and Hudon. Most of the time I would think seeing a familiar face on the street was a mirage or a look-a-like, but I know Chucke and he is a man of habitual strolls through the city. We went to El Pelon and discussed healthy and unhealthy eating, so hey why not? HMM. Today I have consumed 3 SBUX beverages, one bagel, one chicken quesadilla, and a bowl of Special K cereal. Which side are you on?
So let's just be happy that I have a bed to sleep in at night, Nike Running Club meets tomorrow (A first visit for me),My fantasy baseball team still dominates, My parents new favorite slogan is "GET A JOB!" LOL, and Brendan shaved. AND my winnings from coinstar came out to be $26 and some extra change.
Welcome to summer vacation BLOG. Where nothing is sincere. and Gil Sayfan has legit bands.

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