It's difficult to accomplish things today when all I really want to do is lounge around and knit while drinking infinite servings of mocha lattes with Miles Davis playing in the background.
Best of luck with the exterminators today Emma!

Monday night Sassay Lindsay and I went to the Red Sox game. It was very last minute. At 7 PM I ran into Ace Tickets I asked how much their cheapest pair of tickets was and the man said 95. I knew we could do better. Walked passed a couple scalpers and ran into higg's tickets. Got a pair of grandstand tix ($50 face value) for $30! A+. Great guys, friendly service, and quick to get you to the game.

I hate sitting behind a group of first time Fenway Attendees never mind people who don't even know what baseball is. I hate even more the know it all who sits next to them and educates them through every play of the game. $how off.

I hate sitting behind a group of first time Fenway Attendees never mind people who don't even know what baseball is. I hate even more the know it all who sits next to them and educates them through every play of the game. $how off.
Best quote of the night: "Now this is a true baseball game experience" Said by man sitting down to eat a $8 Papa Ginos personal size pizza.
Found Gil's Bike on Newb
In the next few years the struggle will not be between utopia and reality, but between different utopias, each trying to impose itself on reality ... we can no longer hope to save everything, but ... we can at least try to save lives, so that some kind of future, if perhaps not the ideal one, will remain possible." Albert Camus

Grammar Girl rules, must subscribe to podcasts.
Seriously sometimes I just wonder about you Kate Lavoie. But it's nice that after 3 long years we are able to speak again :) Kate used to take pride in kicking and tripping me at every soccer practice. She also succeeded occassionally at pouring water all over me, somehow this formed an incredible bond between us.
Listen to Gobbledigook by Sigur Ros, k thx.
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