Great news! My digital camera is still under warranty! This means: No more Blackberry Rim terrible quality photos w00t!
Because really afterall catching moments like this:

Need to be translated through mas pixels.
Onwards to less (if you can believe it) important things!
Like how I want to be

Keira Knightley
So Thanksgiving was this past week, I made my way back to wmass, which was fine with me because Boston in the rain is not so fun.

So Wednesday morning I sped off.

and look who I found,

:) Among other friends I haven't seen in a while. Well I use the term friends loosely, I'd like to substitute it with the term classmates. However I did see my friends as well.
Old classmates please drop all your pens, don't write a word cause I won't reply. And I'm not bitter, no It's just I've passed that point in time.
Let's find some new music...
I need something hip to get me on my feet and moving this week...hmmm
And instead of making a playlist and listing artists and song titles, after feedback I've decided that posting youtube vids is easier, Not everyone is as fortunate as myself to possess a Waffles account...
Friendly Fires- Jump In The Pool
The Good Life- Album of the year (live)
A good find I'd say
I despise being in a musical rut. All the songs I used to play on repeat sound like shit...shit.
The Good Life never has done this to me though, esspecially anything from "Help Wanted Nights"
Tim Kasher- Empty Bed acoustic
I wonder where he snagged his hat.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++and this is beautiful. Bon Iver
"After they entered the room by the balcony, played Flume, they asked once again to be closer to the audience. We could see the sun’s declining rays, and hear the noisy street, but we didn’t care, Justin was explaining that was how he wanted to play his songs. Perfect, that was how we wanted to listen to them."
If Plato believes that music limits the mind to a lower level of learning, then I'm willing to say that I disagree. Perhaps I didn't grasp "The Republic" perhaps I missed the point. But to devote a life to one absent of art, literature, poetry, and music, seems deafening. Is it sad that music destroys one's psyche? It bothers me to feel that the way I live along with everyone I know is a supposed cop out to this man. Maybe I'm just 20 years old and consumed by things that aren't important and ignorant to the though of philosophy. Perhaps.
And here's Seasick Steve.
Seasick Steve - A Take Away Show - Part 2 from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.
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