Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A lack of posts due to a lack of motive. Blame the winter weather. In the city it drags me down, in the wilderness it brings me up.

AJ and I went Snow Shoeing in New Hampshire on Sunday.
We took the Nineteen Mile Brook trail in hopes of reaching Carter Notch Hut. Photobucket Unfortunately a late start in the morning made us miss out on much needed sunlight. This endangered us from reaching the hut at the end of the trail in time to make it back to the car before dark. Still well worth it!



Last week I saw Coraline. I loved it! Why? I don't know it was just so good. I know it was good, but why? I don't know it was just so good!

I must read the book! Photobucket

and I loved the other father's song!

That's all for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

carrie i can't figure out how to follow your your bloggggg this is christa btw.