This rain sucks, killing my hair, and spirit. Life is hard. Going to Maine this week, I'm swimming rain or shine, try and stop me.
I will be staying at Ocean Point right outside Boothbay Harbor.

Hopefully we make a stop in Freeport so I can hit up LL Bean. Maybe I will climb the rock wall.
Happy Fathers day Dennis! I made him this piece of art (Sunglasses added by me):

I bought this game today:

Super Mario Bros for NES was my favorite as a kid...okay well Super Mario 3 is number 1, but I'm into anything featuring Mario cause I think every game with him has a pretty neat vibe to it. With the exception of Warioland. I played that game all the time on my gold gameboy pocket, but it was too dark for my liking.

More details to come as I figure things out. I am a little late to this DS party, plz forgive me.
AJ and I went to a wedding last night (it was a blast! We are A+ dancers), I'm listening to ALK 3, had to do this.

Hang in there with this weather this weekend looks clear as of now. Saturday will be 87 and sunny, it's my pick of the week- start planning your day.
If anyone has time watch this Sigur Ros video, if not for the song for the video itself
Sigur Ros - ViĆ° spilum endalaust - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.
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