Rest In Peace Grandma. The only grandparent I really got to know. A beautiful woman who was talented beyond belief. A claim to fame I love saying is that she designed Friendly Ice Cream's first menu and the cover of my church's bulletin.
She grew up in the Bronx, NY and studied fashion (dress making). She went shopping in Lord and Taylor everyday to the point where they assumed she was an employee and started to give her the employee discount. She met my Grandfather who sold hats in New York. They married and moved to Boston together living at 310 Beacon Street. Tom Brady currently resides in the same apartment building. Everyday for the time she lived in Boston she would walk my Grandfather to and from work through the Public Garden and Boston Common. Later they moved to Worcester and soon ended up in my hometown, WIlbraham. Together they started up an advertising company. They lived in a beautiful house in the woods with 2 barns and a horse. She devoted a lot of her time to the St. Cecilia's Church, The YWCA and Rotary Club. She loved dark chocolate and always was very enthusiastic about anything I baked- no matter how much it sucked. She also had 2 dogs that I got to know well. She had an Airedale Terrier name Glenn and a German Shepherd named Meichen.
I'm writing this for memory's sake. When people I know in life die I never grasp that they're gone forever, I push that thought away. I feel as if I just imagine those who pass in my life move far away beyond my grasp, but close stay close in thought. Life is strange.
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