"A Hanging" George Orwell
Nails this week done by me. Thanks Keara for showing me how to do this.:

Got this color twice in row over the past 3 weeks- RUSSIAN NAVY SUEDE... matte nail polish is all the rage lately. Especially the new suede line by OPI. Avoid the top coat if you want the look of matte polish. With a clear top coat it will look like sparkly normal polish.

"The mason sings and whistles as he chips out P-A-U-L in the marble slab before him... And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one weak creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of vast eternity can fill it up!" 269, Dombey And Son, Charles Dickens.
Good Fountains of Wayne cover by Katy Perry. Thanks Kate Lavoie for making me aware of this. I don't even like Katy Perry that much.