I went to TOMB.

Saw Gaslight Anthem

Finally made it to the west coast. Made a lot of new friends.

Went to Maine with my parents.

Saw Have Heart play their last show ever.

Watched a close family friend get married.

Lost some people

Including one of the best friends I've ever and will ever have. <3 Grandma.

Watched my sister run the Boston Marathon.

Went to the MET

Met some new people. Ella and Lyla <3

Moved to Fenway with Kate Ellis.

Road Tripped through Death Valley.

Hung out in SF

Went to Hong Kong with my friends and barely made it out alive.

Learned the real meaning of pain and lost my appendix.
Grades are good and so are my friends. Still lot's to learn. Still learning what's really important. Working to live. Never will I ever live to work.
2010 is the first year in a while where I don't have a game plan. Graduating in May and nothing planned after.
Will attempt to venture to Costa Rica.
Will join Aaron Bloomfield in Europe.
Will visit the West Coast again.
Tomorrow I'm venturing down to Richmond, Virginia to help a friend move. Hopefully I make it back in one piece.
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