Ditching No Child is only the first step
February 8, 2010
ABANDONING NO Child Left Behind’s impossible goal of 100 percent proficiency by 2014 would be a refreshing first step toward reality, and a needed overhaul of the destructive and despised federal No Child Left Behind law. Once that happens, the question is whether Congress will design a law that supports real improvement instead of forcing schools to spend more time testing than teaching.
A good start would be listening to educators and students about what they need and how No Child has impeded rather than supported improvement, rather than reflexively bashing teachers and students in a rush to defend an indefensible law.
The writer is executive director of the National Center for Fair & Open Testing.
Saturday 9 AM, DAY 1 at the gym: Ran 3 Miles in 31 minutes. I am pathetic. Sweat a lot, but don't feel worked out enough. Must learn how to use other equipment....
Monday 3 PM, Day 2: Ran 3 Miles in 29 minutes. Still a little uncomfortable still adapting to the surroundings. Met with a trainer and set up a training session for Friday focusing on free weights... Installed my Nike + on my Ipod Touch. I don't have the special Nike sneakers with a spot for them and I don't have the pouch they sell for the sensor. Did some research on other methods of keeping it on your shoe. Some people went pretty far and cut into the insert making a space. I'm sure that was comfortable. I finally came across two methods that were more my style; One was velcro, which I would have done, but didn't have any, and the other was cutting an insert in the tongue of the sneaker. I did this, the sensor stayed secure during my jaunt, and it didn't bother me at all. So take that Apple, you can get me the next time I lose my USB charger. At least $5 SAVED.
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