My best friends being home didn't hurt either! I'm currently watching The Hills. Which reminds me, Saturday Morning at the intersection of Mass Ave and Newbury I'm pretty positive I spied Miss Lauren Conrad (My Idol) herself scooting around in her Mercedes. So what did I do? I followed her as she sped down to the Pike and lost her at the Allston/Cambridge Tolls. Shux! LC is beautiful and if her TV personality resembles her real life personality I'm willing to Go on "Lauren Conrad's New BFF" I mean if that show ever exists that is. Just saying, I'd show up at try outs.

These girls however...

I'm glad I have better friends than Audrina and Heidi..

We went to Friendly's today. Our waiter was Al. I spilled my water. We played some dot-to-dot.
Who Do You Think Did The Best?
Dial 1 for JC's

2 For FLOS

3 for MINE

Why don't you just tell me the name of the drawing you think is the best?
KL met up with us, it's nice to see friends you haven't seen in 2 years again.
I took some film pics, but I don't have time to develop them yet, so hold up, wait a minute.
Skinner Mountain House, Flo and JC got a good workout from our drive.

91 is backed up and too slow, lets tune out by turning on the radio.


Which way Kate?


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