Lance got some free ticket, which was pretty awesome. I was lucky enough to get one of them.

The game was freezing and miserable for the first 7 innings or so. The only thing to entertain us was this man that would sprint from the bullpenn to the dugout everytime the pitchers changed. I kept yelling "PICK UP THE PACE NERDDDDD"

I thought about leaving. Fortunately unlike most people, we stayed.

And Obviously those people were kicking themselves when Ortiz and JD Drew saved the day.
And then the game was won and I felt like I was 10 years old, I still can't stop smiling. I wish my dad was there to experience it with me, I owe all my sports knowledge to him. And recently Chuckey as well. HMM.

Another loyal Sox fan I know is Kei, So I thought I'd ask him a few questions.
carolinee : did you enjoy the game last night?
Kei: yeah it was retarded
carolinee : what was your favorite part?
Kei: the drew hit
carolinee: good call. He was pretty key. Did you know that lance, wrenn and I were there?
Kei : oh wow
Kei : really
carolinee : it was freezing, but amazing
Kei: i kept chaning the channel
Kei: to like grandmas boy
Kei: then it was 7-4
carolinee : then did you stay loyal to the game?
Kei: sort of
caroline: or did you find yourself in need to see JP fold
Kei: in the 8th and 9th
carolinee : aw i see.
Kei: yes yes yes
carolinee : how do you think they will do in Tampa?
Kei: i dont know
Kei: i dont really believe in momentum or anything
carolinee : i see, interesting P.O.V. Kei.
Kei: i see it as game to game
carolinee : Who do you think needs to step up the most?
Kei: ortiz def
carolinee: didn't he do enough last night, what about VTEK, his average is .00000000
K: VTEK is over
K): hes done
K: i dont expect anything from him but an instant out
K: havnt all season really
carolinee ): true.
K: ortiz hit last night, a three run shot
K): for the first time
K : hes trying to pull too much
K: he needs to smashy to opposite field
carolinee : Yeah this is true, perhaps his wrist is making that difficult to do.
K: yeah who knows
K: i dont think it would but
K: its gotta be something
carolinee : Yes, well thanks for your time!
K: haha
K: yeah?
K: where do you hvae to go
carolinee : nowhere I guess, nevermind.
And that's it for now.
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