lately things are kind of all over the place. I'm constantly on the run. This of course all changed yesterday when I sat down after class and realized I felt close to death. Then my delirious night began. But that's okay. Being sick is a nice wakeup call, I need to slow down. I need to realize that an invitation or suggestion to hangout does not always have to be obliged. I just hate to feel I'm missing out on anything.
I'll admit it, I didn't vote. I'm not ashamed. Had I registered in time I would have voted, but I'm not one to do something I know has to be done. So I did not. Let's just say I'm pretty happy with the way things are looking.
Tonight was good. Her Movez

and I met up at our favorite Starbucks in the City

It's the biggest one, It's open till 10:30. The staff doesn't creep me out, *cough* government center *cough*, it really has a good neighborhood vibe to it. Everday I see the same people, the occassional tourists stop in, usually snagging a vacant chair from my table, I never really can hear how they ask for it, my headphones are usually buffering their request, I just nod. Then it gets awkward for them- which I've began to realize if they ask if anyone is sitting there. So now I nod and say "go ahead take it." Which is even more confusing. Oh well.
So Her Movez and I cozied up in the back, it was nice because a friend of mine was working which meant infinite hot chocolates in mugz.

My sister worked on her Graphic design final. While my mind exploded as I read "The Unbearable Lightness of being" by Milan Kundera. To use a phrase from my good friend Aarron Bloomfield "I realize I am late to that party."

"A person who longs to leave the place where he lives is an unhappy person. That is why Tomas accepted Tereza's wish to emigrate as the culprit accepts his sentence, and one day he and Tereza and Karenin found themselves in the largest city in Switzerland."
"Ever since man has learned to give each part of the body a name, the body has given him less trouble. He has learned that the soul is nothing more than the gray matter of the brain in action. The old duality of body and soul has become shrouded in scientific terminology, and we can laugh at it as merely an obsolete prejudice.
But just make someone who has fallen in love listen to his stomach rumble, and the unity of body and soul, that lyrical illusion of the age of science, instantly fades away."
Let's talk about Country Pop Star Taylor Swift. I love her! Always have since I heard "Our Song" about a year ago. Her new album drops the 11th. I cant wait. The first single is really catchy. It has the same attraction as Rascal Flat's "What Hurts the Most" in a way that I can't express with words. So here's a video that features the first single "You're Not Sorry" This song also happens to be #1 on Itunes.
Bonus Halloween Pic: Thanks Gil for ruining another moment of my life.

Listen to Northstar's cover of Jawbreaker's "Chesterfield King"
Or just listen to anything by Northstar.
You were waiting on your step,
steam showing off your breath and
water in your eyes.
We pulled each other into one,
parkas clinging on the lawn and kissed right there.
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