I went to Monster Jam Monday. I have nothing really to say about it.

Watched A+ horror movies at the hos. #1 "Last House on the Left" #2 "Midnight Meat Train" both great flicks.
Lindsay and I went on a roadtrip to Salem

We parked on the top of the world.
We returned to the city and planned on seeing Of Montreal, of course this turned into Getting expresso martinis at Ivy. Which resulted in buzzes, inspiring us to embrace the night and socialize rather than fall asleep in our chairs at The Orpheum. I don't really care for OM's new album anyway...
Her Movez really wants to find a winter hat...

The search continues... rofl.
Emma and Mike will always have the best Halloween costumes:


and I

went on a mission...

we got lost in Hull. But now if I ever need to go back I know how to get just about anywhere.
I'm exhausted, but tunes you must listen to
Limbeck: Honk and Wave
Limbeck: Ohio On some Steps
Frank Turner: Long Live the Queen
Oasis- Live Forever
I went back inside and fell asleep in Ohio, California, or whatever.
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