F21 Overalls. 27.80. I bought some overalls last Fall while at the Chicopee, MA Savers with JC. The short part of them is ironically long and a little baggy. The F21 ones look a little too long and will most likely be a little too tight. We shall see...

And since floral print fabric has taken over the world, I suppose I should get my hands on this backpack from Topshop.

The broke unemployed grad in me really hopes that F21 copies this one. $70 is a little too steep for me right now. Life is hard.
I won't join the masses in even trying to write a cohesive review of the new Black Keys or Band of Horses album. I haven't listened to the new Black Keys one yet actually. It's possible I never will. I remember liking them in high school though. "Infinite Arms" by Band of Horses is pretty relaxing to listen to. I listened to it while sewing the other night. Nothing really jumped out at me, but it's definitely listenable. It's a good substitute for white noise. I don't really mean that in a mean way. I just mean it's whatever in the best way possible.
I'm on a prowl for a bike right now. It's been months since I've relied on the train to get everywhere. I'm not trying to get all bike punk, I'd simply enjoy getting places faster. I never knew how expensive they really were. No wonder ZG snagged from other people all the time.

Haircut today. Shop, shop, shop. Booking some flights. Applying for jobs. Must be nice?
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