"Why Don't You Love Me" - Beyoncé from Beyoncé on Vimeo.
For the first time ever I made it through a Mothers day without ruining it for everyone!! Victory. Like one year I got alcohol poisoning and ralphed all over my mom. I was 16 so you can imagine what a big deal that was!
I made her this card:

And then I made her a special brownie. It looks like a two but I swear I drew a one! She's modest so it's whatever.

I feel like writing nothing right now. I've been working on my "book" for a few hours so I've got nothing left!
Here's a note I got passed to me in class the other day from my friend Nick. Made me LOL and LIC (Laugh in class)

Women's Fall 2010 Vans Sneak peek

Aaron Appstronaut

Kate Lavoie with a frog.

One of Bodega's graduates! aka me!

My life, my life, my life.

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